

Science: Magnets can be FUN!!!

The children have had two amazing activities with magnets.  The children learned that only certain things can be attracted to a magnet as they experimented around the room and with different items.  Take a look at these enchanting pictures.  They are worth a thousand words for sure.

Ringing in the New Year with a New Teacher

Dear Parents and Melody Lane Kids,

It has been such a joy working with you this year!  I am sad to say that I won’t be returning as a full-time teacher after Christmas.  I am currently a student at USU and will be doing my practicum in an elementary school at the start of the new semester.  I will miss seeing such happy, sweet faces every day and helping to foster creativity in our students!  I could never have imagined how attached I would become to these classes this year.  It is a special group of kids and they have made this the best job in the world!  Starting in January we will have a new member of our teaching team.  Her name is Teacher Jessica, and she comes with my stamp of approval!  She is excited to meet you all.  Keep up the good work!

Best Wishes
Teacher Olivia

We will all miss Olivia's happy countenance, creativity and special relationship with the children.  She has truly been a gift this year, and she will be missed by one and all.  We wish her the well in her quest to become the best teacher ever!  

Here is our new teacher, Jessica.  She taught with us on Friday morning, and will be with us Wednesday afternoon for our party.  

Play Dough Fun!

On Friday we had fun playing with play dough. We made play dough cookies with real sprinkles! It was a fun time to practice sharing as we made cookies for our classmates!



We are enjoying celebrating this fun month with arts, crafts, music and dress-ups!