


Building Cities

Working together is twice as fun!

Gearing up
Elephant Alphabet fun
Engineering is Awesome

L is for Letter

Books are always a favorite choice

Ready for a serious day's work!

Sorting upper and lower case letters

Upper case, Lower case
Dress for success



Just a reminder that this week is our Daddy/Granddaddy party on Wednesday March 2 at 10:30 and 2:30 for the four year olds, and Thursday the 3, same times for the three year olds. We are hoping to fly kites together, weather permitting, so please bring a kite if possible.

G is for Geology!

Practicing my engineering skills

Dinosaurs need homes too

Ready for the eruption!

Up it goes! 
Hand painted and sculpted by Melody Lane Kids

Taking a closer look


A Day in the Life

Taking responsibility for our own things

Feels good~

So THIS is what Michaelangelo felt like!

A new twist to painting

A simple machine helps us create unique artwork. Thanks Randy Jones,
                                     the engineer who designed this 30 years ago for us!
fine motor and visual perception

painting in tandem

More spin art

Self portrait with mirror

Putting away my own work

Pointilism is fun!

I did it myself!


Volcano Dance

You get what you get and you don't throw a fit :-)

Priming our volcanoes

Volcano music gets us moving


We all erupt together!

Music is a wonderful tool in capturing and magnifying the imagination

Moon rocks and other Geological Genius

Moon Rocks looked good enough to eat.  We didn't!